
muho2’s diary


Cryptids, Kaiju, and Godzilla, Oh My!

  • 英語の先生に教えてもらった。スペルは「GODZILLA」だが、日本での発音は「GOJIRA」であるとか、ゴジラの語源はゴリラとクジラのミックスであるとか、「kaiju」と「monster」は違うとか、今日日、普通の日本人でも知らない、怪獣の基礎がきちんと語られている。「Is Godzilla a Cryptid?」とか、興味深い考察。

"By the way, you might have noticed I pronounced the name of the 1954 movie as “go-JHI-ra,” not “god-ZILL-uh.” That’s because “Godzilla” is an anglicized version of the Japanese word “Gojira.” And “Gojira,” in turn, is a combination of two other words: “gorira,” meaning “gorilla,” and “kujira,” meaning “whale.” Regular Grammar Girl listeners might recognize this as a portmanteau—words like “spork” and “smog” that combine two parts of others words to make something new." “Tokusatsu” is a Japanese word meaning “special effects.”


